May Oster, played by Athena Lebessis, is a beautiful, pensive, somber
woman in her mid twenties; a beautiful woman that discovers her
boyfriend s bloody scarf in her apartment following a black-out episode.
This unearthed white scarf covered in crimson drives May to attempt
suicide. May is taken to a psychiatric ward under the care and influence
of Dr. Ballard, a fifty-eight year old psychiatrist/acclaimed author,
played by Eric Roberts. May is immediately thrown into seclusion.
Detective James Harding, played by Jake Busey, appears to question May
about a horrific murder. This questioning thrusts May into narrating an
in-depth story about an unnamed woman s involvement with unsavory
characters leading to multiple murders. Will May regain her sanity,
restore her normal life and unravel the mystery of her true love? Only
time will tell.
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